
Senate Republicans Celebrate Election Integrity Victory at SCOTUS

The Supreme Court delivered a major blow to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) voting legislation grievances against Arizona on Thursday morning, in a major win for election integrity. The legislation in question cracks down on ballot harvesting and fraud, and Democrats claimed that the law violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) pointed out that the court’s ruling let individual states remain autonomous over elections.

“Today, the Supreme Court affirmed that protections of the right to vote remain strong, and that states are rightly empowered to administer and protect America’s elections. For decades, Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act has protected Americans from discrimination at the ballot box. Thanks in large part to Section 2, it is easier for Americans to vote today than it has ever been,” McConnell said. “Democrats who try to equate laws limiting the influence of political operatives on state elections to Jim Crow-era repression make their real aim even clearer: not to protect the voters from discrimination, but to protect themselves from the voters.”

Other Senate Republicans also celebrated the ruling:

Senate Republicans also recently defeated the "For the People Act," which was Democrats' proposed federal takeover of elections.