
Sen. Ernst Responds to Sexist Attack from Liberal Magazine

A liberal magazine, The New Republic, published a disgusting hit piece on Senator Joni Ernst, invoking her survival of domestic abuse. Sen. Ernst, a combat veteran and Iowa’s first female Senator, has publicly detailed physical abuse from her now ex-husband. 

The profile looked at Sen. Ernst’s reelection and pointed to the low number of Republican women in Congress, but a now-deleted tweet disgustingly likened her abuse survival to her reelection bid.

"Joni Ernst survived an abusive husband. Her Senate career may not survive an abusive president,” the publication wrote on Twitter.

A host of Republican lawmakers condemned the hit piece that discounted surviving domestic abuse:

In all of her grace, Sen. Ernst responded to the hit piece with resources for fellow survivors.

The liberal magazine would undoubtedly treat a Democratic female lawmaker with the respect and fairness not afforded to Sen. Ernst.