
Want to Take a Guess Why Chicago-Area Leaders Want to Abolish History Classes? It's Not Hard.

I mean, is this a joke? We’re going to ban history classes until we can find a curriculum…that suits the historically illiterate agenda of the ‘woke’ Left? No, that’s what Chicago-area leaders are suggesting because it's racist. It’s the easiest category in ‘woke’ Jeopardy (via NBC Chicago):

Leaders in education, politics and other areas gathered in suburban Evanston Sunday to ask that the Illinois State Board of Education change the history curriculum at schools statewide, and temporarily halt instruction until an alternative is decided upon.

At a news conference, State Rep. LaShawn K. Ford said current history teachings lead to a racist society and overlook the contributions of women and minorities.

Before the event Sunday, Rep. Ford's office distributed a news release "Rep. Ford Today in Evanston to Call for the Abolishment of History Classes in Illinois Schools," in which Ford asked the ISBOE and school districts to immediately remove history curriculum and books that "unfairly communicate" history "until a suitable alternative is developed."

“A suitable alternative” is what exactly? Folks, this is why allowing these lefties to tear down Confederate statues was a bad, bad idea. For conservative, this is why you should have defended all of American history. It’s not about the statues. It’s about our history. They want to erase it and to make inroads, they attack the most violent and divisive parts in order to make the argument that all must be wiped clean. They have standards that are meant to be impossible to meet to initiate the erasure process. This is not by accident. It’s why you have idiots trying to tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln. This is cultural revolutionary nonsense. It must be called out, exposed, targeted, and stomped out. Also, given the issues plaguing education, I’m pretty sure history classes is the least of the worries on that action item list.