
Did the FBI Really Just Say That After Reviewing FISA Spy Warrant Process?

Carter Page was innocent. He was not a Russian agent or plotting to collude with the Kremlin. But for a brief time, he was considered some dark lord of the Sith regarding Russian collusion. Why? Well, the Steele Dossier, aka the Trump dossier, a Democrat-funded piece of unverified political opposition research against Donald Trump said he was involved. He wasn’t. The dossier has been delivered so many headshots, there’s really not much left to bash. And yet, it was cited as credible evidence to secure FISA spy warrants against Page, a former official of the Trump campaign. Folks, the document had glaring errors in it, which I’m sure you already know about. The FBI didn’t vet this document. And now, they claim in their review that most of their FISA warrants were on the level. Please. 

If anything, what their review misses is that there was a deep state operation going on during the 2016 election. It makes the Page FISA errors more serious. In the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, it was proven that the Page FISA warrants contained altered information or omitted exculpatory evidence on Page. Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner has more on this development, as the FBI now says trust us regarding FISA:

The Justice Department defended its use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, arguing its deep-dive review of 29 FISA applications should increase trust in the process while suggesting the surveillance of Carter Page was uniquely problematic.

“We are pleased that our review of these applications concluded that all contained sufficient basis for probable cause and uncovered only two material errors, neither of which invalidated the authorizations granted by the FISA Court,” Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers said on Monday. “These findings, together with the more than 40 corrective actions undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Division, should instill confidence in the FBI’s use of FISA authorities."

Demers added that FISA "remains critical to confronting current national security threats, including election interference, Chinese espionage, and terrorism.”

This DOJ review indicates that the 17 “significant errors and omissions” found by the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz in the process to obtain warrants to wiretap Trump campaign associate Carter Page, laid out in a report criticizing the FBI’s reliance upon British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s deeply flawed dossier, was an outlier. In response to a DOJ audit born from that controversy, the FBI released details last week about more than two dozen FISA applications, arguing none of its mistakes affected the “validity” of the FISA court’s orders.


The March audit by Horowitz focused on the FBI’s requirement to maintain an accuracy subfile known as a “Woods File." Investigators found serious problems in each of the 29 FISA applications they examined, and Horowitz said, "A deficiency in the FBI’s efforts to support the factual statements in FISA applications through its Woods Procedures undermines the FBI’s ability to achieve its ‘scrupulously accurate’ standard.”


The DOJ watchdog called the FBI’s explanations for these screw-ups “unsatisfactory across the board” and testified he wasn’t sure if the errors were “gross incompetence” or “intentional.”

Declassified footnotes from Horowitz’s report indicate the bureau became aware that Steele’s dossier may have been compromised by Russian disinformation.

In January, the Justice Department determined that the final two of four Page FISA warrants “were not valid."

The FBI was engulfed by Trump deranged officials, folks. Sorry, the trust balance went negative eons ago—and it will take a long time for them to win it back. In the backdrop, there’s the lingering legal battle involving Michael Flynn. The DOJ moved to drop the criminal charges against him. In 2017, he pleaded guilty to the politically motivated “lying to the FBI” charges after the Mueller investigation put the screws to him. Now, we see evidence of prosecutorial misconduct, notable from the FBI’s investigation into Flynn where it seems pretty clear that former top FBI officials, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, plotted to ensnare Flynn in a perjury trap. They were going to get him no matter what. The judge, Emmet Sullivan, refused to drop the case, hired a former judge to fight the DOJ motion, and lost. The DC Appeals Court also said drop the case. He appealed. Now, we’re bound to keep this drama going with an en banc hearing. There is no case. The prosecutor resigned. The DOJ wants to drop the case. No party wants to keep this going except for a self-righteous judge who simply cannot admit that he went off the deep end in calling Flynn a traitor. He’s not. This is the last of the Trump-Russia collusion battles, and the Left is going all-in. In the meantime, Flynn and Page both had their lives destroyed by the Feds.