
Pompeo: Trump Administration Is Moving Quickly to Protect Peaceful Protestors

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated the Trump administration's commitment to protecting those who wish to peacefully protest the death of George Floyd. 

"Let me start off by first offering my personal condolences to Mr. Floyd's family and to all the people who have been impacted by this rioting and violence. It's not good," Pompeo said. "It's a tragedy. The police officers actions there were abhorrent. And what the administration has done is to move quickly. You've seen statements by President Trump and the attorney general, talking about what the Justice Department is doing, rapidly responding and proceeding with their investigations about the police incident that took place."

Pompeo also mentioned that President Trump condemned the violence, destruction and looting that Is taking place. 

"He's offered whatever federal assistance might be appropriate, including Secretary Esper's conversation with governors to offer that assistance if it's necessary to protect peaceful protestors and protect the communities that have been impacted by these Antifa-like protestors," the secretary of state explained. 

Attorney General William Barr on Saturday slammed "far-left extremist groups" for hijacking peaceful protests that were taking place. Following the launch of the SpaceX rocket, President Donald Trump condemned the looting and rioting that is currently taking place.

"And I stand before you in firm opposition to anyone exploiting this tragedy to loot, rob, attack, and menace. Healing, not hatred, justice, not chaos, are the mission at hand," the president said.