
WATCH: Donald Trump Jr. Chimes In On The Bidens' Swampy Behavior And It's Spot On

Donald Trump Jr. on Wednesday appeared on "Hannity" to discuss the hypocrisy surrounding the mainstream media's coverage of the Bidens and the Ukraine scandal.

Despite having no natural energy experience, Hunter Biden was being paid $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. The kicker, however, was that his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, was handling international relations with Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration.

According to Fox News host Sean Hannity, if the Trump kids engaged in this kind of behavior, the legacy media would have non-stop coverage of the ordeal. 

"Here's the thing: if it was you and your vice president dad – sorry to your dad about the demotion – it would be never ending coverage," Hannity said.

Trump Jr. reminded the audience of Hunter's so-called "qualifications," or rather his lack of a resume.

"End of the world, Sean," Trump Jr. said. "It's not just them. How about right out of school he [Hunter Biden] gets a high-paying job from MNBA, the biggest bank and the largest employer in Delaware, where daddy is conveniently a senator. He then gets on the board of Amtrak. I believe that was 1996, so he was, what? About 27?"

"What was his experience?" Hannity asked.

"I guess dad took the train once in awhile so that made him qualified to do that," Trump Jr. replied. "You know, it never ends. Then you had the China. You have Ukraine. Then you have a problem: he's never been in energy, doesn't speak Ukrainian. Minor details, but it's okay. But more importantly than that, they want to question my family. Imagine being in hiding for months like he's been while we've been talking about this and then you come out and that's the interview you give? That's just guilt in of itself because it was a pathetic attempt."

But the real kicker: Hunter admitted in his interview with ABC News that he wouldn't have been on any of these boards or had these jobs had he not been a Biden... and Joe still chose to lie on the debate stage Tuesday night.

"He admitted he wouldn't have gotten the millions but for his father," Hannity chimed in. 

"He said it on the stage then Joe denies it later on. And, of course, Anderson Cooper doesn't call him out despite CNN – even CNN – fact checked them. And said, 'Well, Hunter contradicted this.' So, you know, it was pretty disgusting," Trump Jr. said. 

"Like you said, if Donald Trump Jr. took one $1.5 dollars from China – not $1.5 billion, Sean – just $1.5 dollars, we'd solve the fake news media problem because their heads would explode and none of them would be left. It would be over."

"If I did that and a no-show job for $83,000 a month in the Ukraine, no problem. You know what the difference between the Bidens and us are? We were international business people before politics and we gave up doing all new deals going forward. We didn't become, magically, international business people because of our political position. We put that all aside. For years –"

"Your brother had to give up raising money for cancer," Hannity replied.

"It's insane. The double standard is despicable. They utilize that platform with a wink, wink, nod, nod. 'Joe Biden knows nothing about it other than Hunter says he does and there's pictures of them playing golf together, right? But he knows nothing about it."