
Mayor Pete Chimes In On Fetal Remains Found At Late Abortion Doctor's Home

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg decided to finally chime in on the fact that 2,246 fetal remains were discovered at the home of the late Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, a former abortionist, who died earlier this month. Family members were going through belongings on his property when they made the discovery.

"Like everyone, I find the news out of Illinois, extremely disturbing," Buttigieg told reporters. "I think it's important that that be fully investigated. I also hope that it doesn't get caught up in politics at a time when women need access to health care. There's no question that what happened here is disturbing, it's unacceptable and it needs to be looked at."

What Buttigieg fails to mention is that Dr. Klopfer had abortion clinics throughout Indiana. He was even an abortion provider right in Buttigieg's hometown of South Bend. 

Buttigieg has been mayor of South Bend since 2012. The abortion clinic Dr. Klopfer ran, known as the Women's Pavilion, was in operation until 2016. The clinic was forced to close due to violations of governing codes in relation to abortion reporting, record maintenance and personnel records, according to state abortion clinic inspection reports, the South Bend Tribune reported.