
How the Trump Team Responded to Report Hillary May Be Running Again

Hillary may be running again. No really, according to Democratic pollster and former senior adviser to the Clintons Mark Penn and Democrat Andrew Stein. While she has unsuccessfully run twice before, this time will be different, they promise.

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House. (Wall Street Journal)

I imagine some of her other fellow Democrats will not be eager to see her name on the list of candidates again. Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who just lost her re-election bid, distanced herself from Clinton during the campaign because of her dismissive comments about coal workers. It was only one of her unfortunate gaffes that caused Dems to cringe.

"How Do You Solve a Problem Like Hillary?" this Politico piece asked last month, with the subtitle, "She's not going away - and Democrats aren't sure what to do about it." For instance, her recent press interviews have made some Democrats cringe, particularly when she appeared to defend her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in regards to his White House affair in the 1990s. They were both adults, she said. (Paraphrasing).

"Just guessing this isn’t the story Democratic candidates were looking for in the homestretch of the midterms,” said David Axelrod, former President Obama adviser.

News of Hillary's potential 2020 bid has excited some people, however. Namely, her opponents.

President Trump has also indicated he'd be happy to see Hillary across the debate stage again.

"I’d be very happy with Hillary," Trump told Fox News's Laura Ingraham last week. "I don’t see anybody that I wouldn’t enjoy running against."