
Pelosi: I Don't Know Why People Aren't Revolting...That We're Enforcing Immigration Laws

Well, if there’s one person that can make matters worse on immigration, it’s Nancy Pelosi. Last week, the House Minority Leader wondered why the American people weren’t revolting over the conditions on the border concerning family separations during her June 14 presser (via Washington Times):

The California Democrat’s weekly press briefing veered into explosive territory when the subject of illegal immigration came up. Mrs. Pelosi said there may be “uprisings” over children who are separated at the U.S. southern border when asylum seekers decide not to arrive at a proper checkpoint.

“I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be when people realize that this is a policy that they defend,” she said. “It’s a horrible thing, and I don’t see any prospect for legislation here.”

Uh, revolts over what, lady? Over the fact that we’re actually enforcing immigration laws because I don’t think you’ll get a lot of support for a popular uprising. Also, human trafficking and smuggling is an issue, which is why children and adults are separated. It’s quite simple: you come here illegally; you go. Sorry—time to pack your bags. No one should be shocked that the Trump White House is taking a hard stance on immigration. It’s one of the reasons why Americans voted for him. I would say this was the most bombastic reaction to this situation, but then the Democratic Party and the political Left went full Nazi in bashing President Trump and the GOP. Oh, and Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was a “fascist” organization. Yeah, cops are fascist. Welcome to the Democratic Party of 2018. Crowley made these remarks in a debate with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is challenging him in the upcoming midterms. Ocasio-Cortez wants to abolish ICE.