
Report: McMaster Let Susan Rice Keep Security Clearance After Unmasking

New reports reveal that National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster allowed Susan Rice to keep her security clearance a month after finding out she was the source of the unmasking of several Trump associates. In a letter to Rice, McMaster wrote that she would continue to have permission to view classified information. 

Circa's Sara Carter has the scoop.

“I hereby waive the requirement that you must have a ‘need-to-know’ to access any classified information contained in items you 'originated, reviewed, signed or received while serving,' as National Security Adviser,” the letter said. The letter also states that the “NSC will continue to work with you to ensure the appropriate security clearance documentation remains on file to allow you access to classified information.”

In March, Rice initially denied having anything to do with the unmasking, telling PBS she "knew nothing about it." She changed her story when the truth came out. This time, she admitted to having a hand in the unmasking, but insisted she did it to protect the American people. Presumably, she meant unmasking was used as a means to fight terrorism and crack down on foreign espionage.

"I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would," she added.

Rice has even agreed to testify before the House Intelligence Committee on the matter.

With McMaster allowing Rice to keep her security clearance, the Trump administration is not sincere in its assertion that Rice's unmasking activity was "inappropriate," according to a West Wing official who spoke to Circa.

Some conservative pundits are wondering if McMaster should be the next Trump official to exit stage left.