
Schiff Responds to Trump's 'Sleazy' Attack

UPDATE: This battle has just entered another round. Following Schiff's tweet, the White House has released a report tallying how much time the representative has spent on TV since Trump's inauguration. It totaled more than 14 hours.

***Original Post***

President Trump had plenty of targets in his Monday morning Twitter storm. One of those victims was Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee. Presumably, the president caught Schiff's appearance on "Face the Nation" Sunday, when the Democrat mused that Trump was concerned that the special counsel investigation into Russian collusion had expanded to include his business dealings.

Schiff sent out a counter tweet, telling the president perhaps he should turn off the television.

A few weeks ago, Trump insisted that he has "little time" to watch TV. Yet, since that statement, he has posted several reactions to cable news segments. For instance, soon after CNN aired an interview with former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo, Trump tweeted his thanks to Caputo for insisting Russian collusion did not exist. On Monday, Trump thanked Fox News's Lou Dobbs for giving his administration stellar grades for his first six months in office.

Judging by other tweets, he has also been reading "fake news" outlets like The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

It gets overshadowed by his entertaining messages for his critics, but the president does spend plenty of time tweeting about his policy and agenda too.