
Whose Side Are You On? Carlson Notes Democrats Groaned When Trump Introduced Victims Of Immigrant Crimes

It was President Trump without the affect. That’s how Fox News’s Tucker Carlson described Trump’s first address to Congress last night. It was populist, but we all know Trump is a right-leaning member of that political persuasion. There wasn’t much that was necessarily radical, except for the Obamacare portion, but we all know both Republicans and Democrats disagree on that issue.

Carlson said that the net effect of the speech was to diminish the Democrats in the room.

“They didn’t greet him when he walked in, they didn’t applaud when he said we’re going to put American interests first, they groaned when he brought up the victims of immigrant crime, raising the obvious question whose side are you on exactly,” he said.

Tucker added that the Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors by showing the total war mindset they’re adopting when it comes to the Trump White House. The Fox News host added that what would they do if the president has a larger, more extensive infrastructure plan. There is nothing wrong with total resistance if the man you’re resisting is reprehensible. There was nothing in Trump’s speech that qualified for such a cold reception.