
Drain The Swamp: Trump Imposes Five-Year Lobbying Ban On Appointees

President-elect Donald J. Trump said he was going to drain the swamp if he won the election and there seems to be some movement with regards to honoring that pledge. Leah wrote how Vice President-elect Mike Pence has dismissed the lobbyists in the transition team. After the purge, Trump will make all appointees sign a five-year lobbying ban once they leave their government posts (via Roll Call):

Anyone who is appointed to Donald Trump’s administration will be banned from becoming a paid lobbyist for five years after leaving the White House, his transition office announced Wednesday night.

Trump aide Sean Spicer laid out the lobbying ban during a hastily arranged conference call with reporters, the Trump team’s first since last week’s election. All appointees will be required to sign a form agreeing to abide by the ban before starting work.

Throughout the campaign, the president-elect vowed to “drain the swamp” of Washington, partly by decreasing the role of lobbyists and special interests in policymaking. Spicer said this is the first step toward that goal.

We’ll see how this turns out, though we’re getting more anxious over who will serve in the president-elect’s cabinet. Who is going to help Trump steer the ship?