
Art of the Deal: Trump Paid Half of What Clinton Paid Per Vote

President-elect Donald Trump often highlights his ability to operate ahead of schedule and under budget.  

And during this election, Trump hands down ran the most cost efficient campaign that we may see in our lifetimes while his counterpart ran up her budget only to face an unexpected defeat.

According to Reuters:

Relying heavily on an unorthodox mix of social media, unfiltered rhetoric, and a knack for winning free TV time, the New York real estate magnate likely paid less than $5 per vote during his insurgent White House bid, about half what Clinton paid.

In total, Trump raised at least $270 million since launching his campaign in June 2015, a little more than a third of the money that Obama's re-election campaign spent in 2012.

And while being funded by big banks, George Soros and left-wing Super PACs, Hillary Clinton raised at least $521 million, according to filings.    

At one point during the Republican primary, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush had spent a combined $91 million on ads to defeat Trump.  On the other hand, Trump only spent $4 million to the same date while cruising to an uncontested victory.

Just imagine if President-elect Trump brings this kind of thinking into Washington, D.C.  Imagine the possibilities of our federal government operating ahead of schedule and under budget.