
Planned Parenthood Is Now Mobilizing Voters

Planned Parenthood launched its "My Voice, My Vote" campaign last week in an effort to corral voters to the polls - and it should give you chills.

The My Voice, My Vote campaign is a volunteer-led effort. Volunteers across 45 states will help make sure that everyone in their local communities has the opportunity to register and vote. In addition to voter registration, volunteers will host roundtable discussions on civic engagement, voter registration trainings, and events during National Voter Registration Day; build partnerships to set up voter registration tables at schools and and other public places; and encourage people to commit to vote to ensure their voices are heard on election day, regardless of their background, beliefs, or political ideology.

"My Voice, My Vote" is being advertised as a "non-partisan" effort. Yet, Planned Parenthood, the biggest pro-abortion organization in the country, has proudly endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Clinton not only advocates abortion rights, but she even supports the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, effectively forcing taxpayers to pay for the procedure.

Additionally, Planned Parenthood has not been shy about brainwashing young women into believing Republican legislators - particularly male ones - want to take away their "reproductive rights" with their pro-life policies. With this false, yet effective narrative, do we really believe the organization's volunteers are going to encourage voters to vote conservative?

If Planned Parenthood is registering voters, why, the Family Research Council asks, can't churches do the same?

“If Planned Parenthood leaders are encouraging their constituents to vote, certainly pastors and church leaders should do the same if we ever hope to protect human life in our laws,” Kenyn M. Cureton, the vice president of FRC’s church ministries told LifeSiteNews.

This would be the best response wouldn't it? Instead of taking the "oh well, there's nothing we can do" approach to Planned Parenthood's aggressive tactics, conservative groups should prove that two can play at that game.