
United Methodist Church Backs Off Abortion

The United Methodist Church has done a 180 on abortion. After years of supporting the Roe v. Wade decision, the church voted at its General Conference to split ties with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, as well as to repeal a resolution that supported a woman's right to an abortion at any point of her pregnancy.

Delegates meeting in Portland, Ore., voted 445-310 to repeal their 40-year-old resolution supporting Roe vs. Wade, and 425-268 to withdraw from the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, whose pro-choice stance extends to late-term and sex-selective abortions.

The votes came in the came quadrennial session in which delegates sidestepped controversy over the denomination's bans on ordaining GLBT clergy and officiating at same-sex weddings by establishing a committee to consider the issues.

Wow. That's certainly a step in the right direction from one of the last remaining churches to endorse abortion. Let's hope that this vote sparks conversations to change the hearts and minds of members towards embracing life.