
Rubio: I Intend to Live Up to Pledge and Support Trump

On Tuesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) offered CNN’s Jake Tapper his first TV interview since bowing out of the 2016 race, finally addressing whether or not he’ll support the controversial and presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump.

“I’ve signed a pledge to say I’ll support him,” Rubio said. “I don’t want Hillary to be president.”

Tapper pressed him to be more specific, asking whether he intends to vote for Trump in the privacy of the polling booth. 

“I intend to live up to the pledge,” Rubio repeated.

What about those VP rumors?

“I think Donald would be best served by surrogates who agree with him” on the key issues, Rubio said. His reservations with the eventual nominee are well documented, so Trump should have someone who is “enthusiastic” about him, he added.

One of those reservations, Tapper couldn’t help pointing out, is Rubio’s concern about putting the nuclear codes in the hands of an "erratic individual" and a "con artist,” the Florida senator said on the campaign trail.

Rubio simply insisted he’s not going to level charges against him in the next six months.

“He’s obviously not my first choice,” Rubio said, but he earned his way to first place and therefore deserves to go out and make his case to the American people.

Rubio said he doesn’t know” if he’s going to the July convention, but his decision won’t be based on Donald Trump.