
As You Would Guess, There Are No Republicans In the White House Press Corps

As you would expect, there are no registered Republicans in the White House Press Corps, though 60 percent aren’t even registered at all. This survey was included in a Politico piece on President Obama’s relationship with the press around the time of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner (via WFB):

Of the journalists surveyed, more than a quarter are registered Democrats and 13 percent are not members of any political party. Sixty percent are not registered to vote, but 72 percent of those polled said they think reporters should vote in elections they cover.

Twelve survey respondents said they plan to vote for Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Three said they support her rival Bernie Sanders. Two plan to vote for Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Tex.) and one supports Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

Nearly 9 in 10 respondents said they expect Hillary Clinton to be the nation’s next president.

A separate survey of campaign reporters revealed a bit more partisan diversity, but Republicans are still widely outnumbered among the 80 journalists surveyed.

And this is why we have groups, like the Media Research Center, to keep an eye on these folks.