
This Governor Thinks Gun Purchases Should Be Taxed $1000 in Every State

In case you missed it, a $1000 per gun purchase tax was recently passed in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. Territory. Now, the territory's governor is advocating the tax be used as a model for states across America. From a local paper

The administration of Gov. Ralph DLG Torres defended the CNMI’s new gun control laws on Friday as a law that could be “a role model” for other U.S. states and jurisdictions facing seemingly uncontrolled and continued gun violence.

The administration was responding to queries regarding its position on recent reports that the a legal challenge to the new law, Public law 19-42, was likely, particularly over a provision that assesses a $1,000 excise tax on pistols.

Think it can't happen here? Think again. A number of cities across the country have already implemented new and unaffordable taxes on individual gun purchases. 

Americans for Tax Reform points out proposals for high taxes on firearm purchases isn't a new concept and was strongly promoted by Democrat presidential Hillary Clinton in the 90s. She's never reversed her position.