
'Like the KGB': California DOJ Raids Home of Pro-life Activist Behind Planned Parenthood Videos

David Daleiden is the pro-life activist from the Center for Medical Progress who led a 3-year undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood. Last summer, his group released the series of shocking videos that revealed Planned Parenthood employees laughing about the sale of aborted baby parts – and worse.

Now, in what appears to be a punishment for daring to expose the “women’s health” organization, the California Department of Justice has stormed into Daleiden’s home and seized the videos. He broke the news on his Facebook page Tuesday night.

“Today, the California Attorney General's office of Kamala Harris, who was elected with tens of thousands of dollars from taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood's criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my personal information,” he wrote.

Perhaps Harris thought her invasion of Daleiden’s privacy would go unnoticed during the night of an important presidential primary. The pro-life movement, however, knows exactly what she’s up to and has condemned her all too obvious pro-abortion agenda. If you go to her website, you'll see she even has a petition to defend Planned Parenthood. 

Matt Heffron, former federal prosecutor and current legal advisor to Daleiden, said the DOJ’s action is an example of governmental abuse.

“To storm into a private citizen’s home with a search warrant is outrageously out of proportion for the type of crime alleged," he said in a statement. "It’s a discredit to law enforcement, an oppressive abuse of government power.” 

Supporters on Facebook also responded in disgust, likening the California DOJ to the KGB. Others wrote that the state government can go ahead and seize the videos, but Americans “cannot unsee” the already publicized footage, which displayed Planned Parenthood’s cruel treatment of human life.