
Trump: Yeah, Skipping The Fox Debate Probably Hurt Me

After landing a second place finish in Iowa Monday behind Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Donald Trump is acknowledging his decision to boycott the Fox News debate just days before the Iowa caucuses probably hurt his chances of winning. 

"I might have been hurt a little bit by the debates, by not being at the debates," Trump said during a rally last night in New Hampshire, where he is leading in the polls by double digits.

However, Trump also said he wouldn't have traded fundraising $6 million for a variety of veterans groups in order to come in at first place. As a reminder, Trump held a fundraising event during the same time as the Fox News debate.

"The fact is, it could have been the debate. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But I would have done it exactly the same way because I raised," Trump said. "I raised six million dollars for the vets. And I would never, ever give that up to go between first and second in Iowa. It wouldn’t be worth it."  

Trump talked about the state of the race last night on Hannity.