
Russia Not Afraid to Show Support for France

Russia is doing all of the right things for France in a time of crisis. From bombing runs, to German shepherd puppies, to vowing allegiance with France; Russia is leading the way for the free world.

For the past several weeks, Russia has been engaged in bombing runs targeted for ISIS strongholds. Russian air crews were videoed writing messages on some of the bombs delivered to ISIS targets. “For Paris” and “For our people” are phrases that the airmen drew before take-off.

Three days ago, the Russian Minister of the Interior wrote a letter to France offering to give a German shepherd puppy to French police as a sign of “solidarity.” This after a French police dog, Deisel, was killed during the raid that took out Abdelhamid Abaaoud.

Meanwhile in Washington, D.C., we have a president who cannot say "Islamic" and "extremist" in the same sentence.