
As Huckabee, Jindal Spar, Christie Tries to Keep Focus on Hillary During Undercard Debate

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) had his sights set on his fellow governors’ resumes in the 2016 race at tonight’s undercard debate on Fox Business. Jindal claimed that among all the governors in the race, he is the only one who has cut spending.

Mike Huckabee (R-AR) took issue with the Louisiana governor’s claim and defended his credentials in Arkansas.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie chimed in by insisting the Republicans on stage are targeting the wrong person.

“If you think Mike Huckabee or Bobby Jindal won’t cut back spending, wait until you see what Hillary Clinton will do,” he warned.

“She is the real adversary tonight and we ought to stay focused on her.”

Christie continued to say America cannot continue to go down the $19 trillion debt track it’s on after six and a half years of a Big Government White House. Clinton, he suggested, would be more of the same.

“Hillary Clinton’s coming for your wallet,” he said. “Don’t worry about Huckabee or Jindal – worry about her.”

Later in the evening, Christie still didn’t forget who the real opponent was.

“Hillary is running so far to the left trying to catch up to Bernie Sanders, it’s hard to even see her anymore.”