
Ohio May Legalize Marijuana Tomorrow

Ohio may become the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults 21 years of age and older. Tomorrow, the state will vote on Issue 3, which would legalize the drug throughout the state for both recreational and medicinal use.

However, Ohio's vote comes with a twist: another ballot issue, Issue 2, which has the potential to completely invalidate Issue 3. Issue 2 would heavily regulate monopolies throughout the state, while Issue 3 would create a marijuana monopoly, as only ten farms would be allowed to grow marijuana for commercial use. Individuals would be permitted four plants for personal use. A person who is in favor of legalizing marijuana in the state would have to vote "yes" on Issue 3 and "no" on Issue 2.

As for whether either of these measures will pass is completely up in the air. Polls have described it as "too close to call."

Polls are of little help in predicting the outcome on Tuesday. A Kent State University poll showed 56 percent support for Issue 3, while polls by the University of Akron and Bowling Green State University called the issue too close to call. Both sides say internal polls show they are winning.

Curt Steiner, campaign director for Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies, predicted victory even though his group will be outspent 10-to-1.

“The energy and the intensity is on our side. . . . We have real support from more than 100 groups. All the major newspapers in the state are against Issue 3.

“We have felt confident because of the extreme nature of the way Issue 3 is written and because it’s going in the constitution. We do expect voters to reject Issue 3 on Tuesday.”

Marijuana is already legal for recreational purposes in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Colorado, and the District of Columbia.