
Mike Huckabee To Visit California Section of U.S.-Mexico Border Saturday

Former Arkansas governor and current GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will be visiting the California-Mexico border Saturday. He will be escorted by Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, who represents Congressional District  50 just north of San Diego. A tour of the border, spanning from the Pacific ocean to Pacific Ocean the San Ysidro Port of Entry, will be given by members of the National Border Patrol Council which is the union representing all U.S. Border Patrol Agents. 

"America has an immigration crisis on its hands, and it’s time for the federal government to do its job. Without a secure border, nothing matters. We have drug cartels running reckless on our southern border, and the Washington establishment wants to reward illegal immigrants with amnesty and citizenship," Huckabee's campaign website states. "If you reward people who play outside the rules and punish people who live within the rules, pretty soon nobody is going to play by the rules. We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws."
If elected, Huckabee has pledged to end illegal immigration and says he "will reject President Obama's unconstitutional executive orders," oppose amnesty and secure the border in order to do so.  

In July, the NBPC pulled out of tour events planned for presidential candidate Donald Trump after he made derogatory comments about the military service of Arizona Senator John McCain.