
New Pre-Campaign Video ‘Recalls’ Walker's Historic Win Against Labor Unions

Before he officially announces he is running for president next week, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is reminding voters why he's qualified for the job. A new video entitled "Recall the Recall" is a rerun of Gov. Walker's historic win against labor unions.

Walker, frustrated with the unions' obsession with power in the Badger State, took bold leadership against the Big Government special interests by scaling back the use of collective bargaining. The move angered labor unions to an unruly point. "Recall the Recall" replays the ugly scene that unfolded.

“The left erupted. They stormed the Capitol, but Scott Walker stood his ground. Unintimidated, they even threatened his family. But he stood firm, and he won.”

Featured in the video is Walker’s friend Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who explains why the governor was victorious. He balanced the budget, lowered taxes, among other popular and economically smart policies, Ryan explained.

The video also recalls how the leftist media couldn’t explain Walker's resounding success, playing clips from MSNBC pundits like Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow wondering what happened. Walker's campaign again has the answer:

“Unable to cave, the left tried to recall him. They threw everything at him and he beat them – again.”

Walker was the first governor in history to survive a recall election. What better way to kickoff a campaign than by reminding voters about it? 

Walker will officially announce his White House run on July 13.