
Accountability? Acting TSA Head Reassigned After Agency Misses 96 Percent of Attacks During Test

As reported yesterday, a series of undercover agents recently conducted a series of security tests on TSA agents and protocol around the country. Those tests included smuggling in fake bombs and weapons through security checkpoints at major airports around the country. TSA failed 96 percent of the tests. 

In response to the massive, overwhelming failure, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has reassigned current TSA Acting Administrator Melvin Carraway to a separate section of the Department. 

"Effective immediately, Melvin Carraway, the Acting Administrator for the Transportation Security Administration, will be reassigned to serve in the Office of State and Local Law Enforcement at the Department of Homeland Security headquarters. Acting Deputy Director, Mark Hatfield will lead TSA until a new Acting Administrator is appointed," Johnson released in a statement Monday night. "I thank Melvin Carraway for his eleven years of service to TSA and his 36 years of public service to this Nation. The President has nominated Coast Guard Vice Admiral Pete Neffenger to be the next Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration. I urge the Senate to confirm this nomination as quickly as possible."

Reassignment and accountability is a good thing, but the bottom line is TSA failed to catch 96 percent of the potential attacks. With a number that high, it's time to scrap the TSA and start over. Americans deserve better, for their safety, personal dignity and for their wallets.