
Reminder on Tax Day: The Tax Code is 70,000 Pages Long

It's tax day 2015 and the RNC is reminding voters about how long, chaotic, wasteful, inefficient and well, taxing, the U.S. tax code is. 

Two weeks ago, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said the agency ignores 60 percent of calls from taxpayers due to a lack of resources. Strangely, the IRS has found time and money to produce videos, purchase furniture and to buy toys for the agency.

While you’re busting your butt to pay the Internal Revenue Service, your friends at the IRS are in the middle of a wild spending spree.

The Daily Caller obtained a letter that Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch sent to IRS commissioner John Koskinen Tuesday that revealed a bunch of insane purchases the IRS recently made, including a few million dollars in office furniture on the eve of the end of the fiscal year (when agencies have to spend the rest of their budget or else face budget cuts the next year).

The federal government is taking more tax money out of the paychecks of Americans than it ever has before and yet, President Obama wants a $2 trillion tax increase

President Obama has packed more than 20 new tax increases into his proposed 2016 budget, which Republicans roundly blasted Monday as a tax-and-spend agenda that won't get their support.

Together, the tax increases total more than $2 trillion over the next decade. The president plans to use much of that to fund new middle-class tax cuts, as well as ambitious spending programs for highway construction, education benefits and more.

Comment below about your tax experience this year.