
Sen. Tom Cotton Really Really Likes...Birthday Cake

It's been quite the week for freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR). Following a barrage of phone calls from angry Miley Cyrus fans, he is back in the news for his love of...birthday cake.

In an interview with The New York Times Magazine, topics quickly shifted from his upbringing, to being the youngest member of the Senate (he's 37), to his open letter to Iran, and to the fact that his "guilty pleasure" is running every morning. When the interviewer pointed out that running isn't exactly a pleasure, Sen. Cotton came back with what might be the best answer from a senator in any interview, ever:

That sounds neither guilty nor pleasurable. But I do it so I can indulge in the guilty pleasure of eating birthday cake.

Every day? Most days, with ice cream. Early on, when my wife and I were dating, we went to the grocery store, and I told her that sometimes I just buy birthday cakes, and I eat them. And she said: “Really? I do, too.”

Even if it’s not somebody’s birthday? Yes. She went to the grocery store yesterday and picked up a white birthday cake.

Cotton then tweeted proof that his wife did indeed buy a birthday cake the day before:

First and foremost, okay, that is adorable. You know love is real when you both buy random cakes. Cake is awesome and shouldn't be reserved for birthdays, and all the power to the Cottons for realizing this. Secondly, it's kind of fun to see the human side of members of Congress. They are, after all, real people. Cotton has certainly made waves in his first few months in office, and it'll be interesting to see what he comes up with next.