
In Other News: Princeton Students Cheer Obama, Chant “Four More Years”

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Ted Cruz has announced he is running for President. Now, if we can just put those darn birther questions to rest…


Ivy League students began chanting “4 More Years” when Obama showed up at a local sporting event. Personally, I don’t think 4 more years of Princeton will really help most of these folks.

(The Blaze)

President Obama told Republicans that they need to “accept reality” and acknowledge that Obamacare is a rousing success story. I don’t think he means to do it, but this man has an effortless knack for irony.

(Washington Examiner)

Another rousing Obama-success story: Yemen is officially collapsing into civil war. His track record of success stories is beginning to look worse than his March Madness bracket.


Both Iran and Hezbollah are missing from the most recent publication of the US Terrorist Watch List. According to government officials, this was an oversight due to “a formatting change” with the list. Something tells me some poor government worker’s hard drive is about to crash.

(Fox News)

Jeb Bush isn’t very popular among conservatives, and apparently that’s because Matt Drudge isn’t terribly nice to him. Then again… If Jeb can’t win over one little website, how is he expected to win over a nation?

(Tampa Bay)