
In Other News: John Boehner Will Fight Executive Amensty...Seriously...For Real This Time

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

The terrorists who killed 12 people in Paris before fleeing into the countryside, said they “were prepared to die as martyrs.” French authorities were happy to help out.


President Obama’s newest plan involves making the first two years of community college “free”… Because our current government-funded K-12 education is doing such a bang up job, let’s expand it to include Higher Ed.


I want to make sure I have this correct: We ended the war in Iraq; but now ISIS controls large swaths of land, there is widespread destruction of democratic rule, and the US has 2,100 soldiers on the ground? Obama sure has a funny way of earning that Nobel Peace Prize.


It looks like Scott Walker might be getting ready for a 2016 run. Union leaders nationwide are being asked to visit with their doctor about the risk of heart attacks.

(Washington Examiner)

Speaker Boehner (ugh…) says he will fight “tooth and nail” against Obama’s executive amnesty… Ya know, the executive amnesty that Boehner funded with the help of Democrats? Yeah, that one. He’ll fight it. Seriously. For reals.

(CNS News)

Obama gave a speech only two blocks away from the scandal-plagued VA hospital in Phoenix; and he didn’t stop by for a quick visit. The mainstream media ignored the snub, the right-wing media acted outraged, and the Vets at the VA thanked God they didn’t have to fake smiles and be part of a photo-op.

(Washington Examiner)