
In Other News: List of "Useless Government Spending" Strangely Doesn't Include Biden's Salary

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

More women currently prefer Republicans for congress than Democrats. I guess the “War on Women” is more of a civil war than anything else.


Tax revenues are at an all-time high. (Some people are giving credit to Obama’s tax hikes.) Despite our record tax revenues, government is still expected to run historically high deficits. It almost looks likespending might be the problem here…

(Daily Signal)

Speaking of government spending: Senator Tom Coburn has outlined over $25 billion of “useless” government spending. And, no… I don’t know if that also includes Joe Biden’s salary.

(Free Beacon)

Obama’s new Ebola Czar is missing another Ebola update this week. Is the word “Czar” Russian for “useless”? (Because I hate to think that the Bolsheviks were onto something when they decided to do away with the position.)

(Fox News)

The most recent autopsy shows that the unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, was most likely shot whileattacking Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. Riots are expected throughout the area because facts are apparently racist.

(Business Insider)

An anti-gun Missouri legislator was arrested for carrying a loaded 9mm without a permit. Interestingly, she had also threatened to accelerate the riotous violence in Ferguson if Officer Darren Wilson wasn't indicted for murder – and she seems to have a deficit of gun-safety training… So, maybe we should just make it illegal for anti-gun Democrats to own guns?

(Weasel Zippers)