
Poll: 41 Percent Say Obama No Longer Wants to Be POTUS

Perhaps one might be forgiven for reaching such a conclusion. Attending fundraisers (oftentimes shortly after major international crises break), playing rounds and rounds of golf, and attacking Republicans in the most petulant way possible are not the stuff of highly engaged leaders. (This isn’t to say, of course, that the president shouldn’t be allowed to do any of these things. But the timing and frequency with which he engages in these activities, according to Fox News’ relatively new survey, suggests that many Americans firmly accept that he is exceedingly disinterested and tired of political life). Hence this:

It’s telling that almost 50 percent of Independents and more than one-third of Democrats believe President Obama has essentially thrown in the towel. That is, it’s not just Republicans contending he's grown weary of occupying the nation's most coveted political office. This is true across the political spectrum. It’s clear therefore that the president fully understands -- at least deep down, I think -- that the chances of him once again enjoying majorities in both the House and Senate are rather slim, if not impossible.

Perhaps this is why the prospect of governing a divided Congress, for another two years, is becoming less a privilege than a chore.

H/T: WZ.