
In Other News: Does Anyone Know What Mental Illness Debbie Wasserman-Schultz seems to have?

Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz says that Obama’s economy will actually help Democrats in 2014. We hope someone develops a medication to help her cope with her mental illness before it’s too late. (Daily Caller)

Remember how gay activists promised to drive Chick-fil-a out of business after the CEO announced his opposition to gay marriage? Well, as it turns out, that spicy chicken sandwich is pretty fabulous. (NY Post)

The Daily Mail ran a story on America’s “dumbest bank robber”… And, no… It’s not Eric Holder. (I think he's technically considered an extortionist.) (The Fox Nation)

The city of Westminster, Colorado, is considering a proposal that would require landlords provide their tenants with voter registration packets. (Of course, Photo-ID’s are not required.) The Democrat Party welcome letter, and pre-filled ballots will be provided separately, I’m sure. (Daily Caller)

Congress voted to hold Lerner in Contempt of Congress… Holder is unlikely to prosecute. If we just accused Lerner of reporting on Fast and Furious, I bet Holder would be all over this. (Washington Post)

I need one of these. (Bloomberg)