
Most Americans Don't Think Obamacare Will Be Fixed Faster After Sebelius Exit

Since the resignation of former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius last week, one big question has surfaced: Will Obamacare be any better or fixed faster now that she's no longer in the picture?

According to a new Rasmussen Report, only a tiny minority of Americans believe Obamacare will get fixed faster now that Sebelius is no longer in charge of the program.

There’s very little expectation that problems with the law will be fixed more quickly by her successor.

Sixty-three percent (63%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe Sebelius is at least somewhat responsible for the problems with the rollout of the national health care law, but 27% disagree, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. This includes 21% who say the former Kansas governor is Very Responsible for the problems with the law and just nine percent (9%) who say she is Not At All Responsible.

But only 12% believe the problems with the health care law will be more quickly fixed now that Sebelius is being replaced. Fifty percent (50%) say the change in leadership will not lead to quicker fixes of the new law. A sizable 38% are not sure.

Just 23% of voters consider the health care law a success so far. Eighty-three percent (83%) think Congress should change the law or repeal it.

The new face of Obamacare, former White House Budget Director Sylvia Burwell, has a big challenge ahead of her (if she's confirmed by the Senate) as momentum is behind Republicans when it comes to reform and repeal of the legislation. During her upcoming confirmation hearing, Burwell will be required to answer very specific questions about how the administration plans to "fix" the law after unilaterally changing it without Congress.