
"Gun Free Zones Are Murder Magnets"

Over the weekend, Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt sat down for an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. When pressed for solutions about how to prevent mass shootings and violence in the future, Pratt reminded Wallace and viewers of an all too common place where these types of incidents take place: in gun free zones.

"The legislation that is on the books is lethal. It is killing people. All of these gun free zones are murder magnets, and we’ve simply got to get rid of them. It’s an illusion to think that somehow we’re going to be safer because we can’t have a gun in a particular area, because the bad guy is gonna have a gun."

It's extremely important to remember that when violent mass shooters are confronted by a person with a gun, they often kill themselves. In the case of Newtown, Adam Lanza killed himself when he heard police sirens on their way. Last week in at a Colorado high school, a student determined to kill his teacher took his own life after being quickly confronted by an armed resource officer.

The verdict is in on gun free zones: they enable criminals and leave innocents as easy targets. It's time to eliminate them.