
Jay Carney Blames the Internet for Obama's Opaque Transparency and Propaganda Machine

Happy Friday everyone. This is something you don't see often: the White House Press Corp is missing George W. Bush.

Finally after years of abuse, major media and newspaper outlets like ABC News, the Associated Press and the Washington Post have sent a letter to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, demanding photojournalists be granted the same access as the official White House photographer. Other outlets like McClatchy and USA Today are boycotting official White House photos and refusing to print them with news articles.

During White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's daily briefing yesterday, reporters continued to ask about the lack of access, reminding Carney of President Obama's promise to be the "most transparent in history." In response, Carney defended the White House releasing photos from a government photographer rather than allowing photojournalists into meetings and important events and essentially blamed the internet for making photojournalists obsolete.

The best line?

"Anyone here can tell you there's less access here than under the Bush administration."

It really is incredible that Carney used to be a reporter for a major news outlet.