
MSNBC Host Explains the Non-Existent Gerrymandering of Senate Seats

MSNBC's genius of a host strikes again. Yesterday on The Cylce, "thank God for abortion" Toure explained to his co-hosts and MSNBC viewers that the only reason red state Senators are feeling pressure from Obamacare is because those seats are gerrymandered. You cannot gerrymander a Senate seat. As Allahpundit noted, the so-called gerrymandering stops at a state's borders. In addition, Toure argued the Senate isn't in play for Republicans in 2014, implied California Democrat Dianne Feinstein is a moderate and said Democrats are still "extremely supportive" of Obamacare.

"Do you notice anything? We see red state Democrats who are dealing with the challenge of living and governing in gerrymandered world where sometimes they have to deal with the folks on the right."
"Senator Diane Feinstein sometimes just goes to the right and bucks her party from time to time so she's kind of an outlier."