
Wendy Davis: “To Be Pro-Life Doesn’t Necessarily End With a Woman’s Pregnancy"

That’s Texas State Senator and now gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis trying to clarify her comments from last week claiming she was “pro-life.”

Speaking with CBS 11, Davis insisted she wants “zero abortions” in the state of Texas, yet still supports a woman’s right to choose.

“To be pro-life doesn’t necessarily end with a woman’s pregnancy, and in Texas, the point I was making was we need to think of life at all stages. We need to think about children born in this state who deserve a good education and who deserve to be part of a higher education system.”

Yes, Sen. Davis (the only title I hope she holds), we do need to think of life at all stages -- as in, from conception. These children won’t have the chance to experience a good education if we don’t first give them the chance to experience life.

Sen. Davis’s comments from last week are just more proof the Democratic candidate for governor is trying to avoid the reason she became the Democrat Party’s new heroine. Abortion is not popular in Texas.

It’s a sad day in Texas when a candidate for governor has to clarify what she meant by being pro-life -- as if the description itself is controversial. Our political leaders should embrace the term, because they are representing all of their constituents -- even those in the womb.