
Alabama Abortion Clinic Fundraising Off Of Pro-Lifers

It is not unheard of to symbolically "adopt" something to raise money. For instance, the World Wildlife Fund has a program where a person can "adopt" a variety of endangered animals. Save the Children has opportunities to sponsor a child in a third world country. The West Alabama Women's Center, an abortion clinic in Tuscaloosa, however, is taking a slightly different approach. Faced with a steady stream of pro-lifers participating in 40 Days for Life, the West Alabama Women's Center decided to launch a curiously named program: "Adopt an Anti."

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The campaign has assigned dollar values to certain pro-lifers, and people have pledged to donate every time they show up. The 40 Days for Life campaign has already saved at least one baby from abortion this year.

Abortion is a profitable business. Obviously, it makes sense why the West Alabama Women's Center would be attempting to raise money off of people trying to reduce their revenue. The name choice of "adopt an anti," however, is a little crass when one realizes that the West Alabama Women's Center does not offer adoption counseling or services to pregnant women.