
10 Birthday Presents For Our President

President Obama turns 52 today. To celebrate, I came up with a list of gifts I'd like to give him if I ever had the chance - all in good fun of course.

1. A Calculator - For times when his math just doesn't add up.

2. A Map - For the times he can’t seem to remember how many states we have.

3. An audition for Motown: The Musical - Because of his mad pipes.

4. Legos - So when he assembles a complicated robot, he can look in the mirror and finally say, “You did built that.”

5. A restraining order from Chris Matthews - Because of things like this.

6. Tickets to the arcade – To redeem himself with a round of skee ball, because everyone’s seen his attempt at skeet shooting.

7. Basketball lessons - Because.

8. Golf lessons Because.

9. Twinkies – Why not? They’re back in business!

10. A Monopoly board game – So he can be the banker and “spread the wealth around.

I may not agree with all of his policies, but hey, everyone deserves to enjoy their special day. So, Happy Birthday Mr. President.