
University of North Carolina Hires Professor Who Writes Pornographic Poems About Students

The folks over at Campus Reform have done it again; they've exposed pornographic poems of a professor who was recently hired at the University of North Carolina. Not only are the poems pornographic, they describe sexual fantasies with freshman students.

Content warning.

A public university has hired an English literature professor whose pornographic verse includes fantasies of having sexual relations with freshmen female students, an education watchdog reported this week.

 In Prof. Alessandro Porco’s poem “Hot Girl-Girl Action University” the fictional university president Jill Kelly offers a welcome to the freshman class.

“Who would say No to a gang-bang?
Who would say No to Prof. Poon-Tang?
Who would say No to my scholarly toungin’?
Thank you fathers for your daughters.”

That poem is part The Jill Kelly Poems, ranked 3,963,932 on Amazon, which chronicles the life of a porn star through poetry.

In an interview on a website called, Porco describes it as “my book-length ode to the adult-film star affectionately referred to as ‘the anal queen.”

Not surprisingly, university officials are defending Porco.

Campus Reform was unable to reach Porco for comment, but a spokesperson for the University of North Carolina -- Wilmington said the school had hired Proco based on his expertise.

He "was hired based on his record of scholarship, experience, subject matter expertise, and references,” Janine Iamunno, Executive Director for University Relations, told Campus Reform in a statement on Friday.

“[W]hile some may disagree personally with the content of an individual’s writings, the content of those writings constitute protected speech,” Iamunno added.