White House to Cory Booker: "You're dead to us!"

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The Obama Administration might not have a clue about fixing the economy, but they are very clear about how they deal with people who disagree with "The One."   

The enormously popular Mayor of Newark, New Jersey Cory Booker, one of  Obama's most favored surrogates, was assigned by the campaign to appear on Meet the Press a couple of weeks ago.  Booker was asked to opine about the campaign's attacks on Mitt Romney's time at the private equity firm, Bain Capital.  But, instead of following the Team Obama script, Booker called the attacks "nauseating" and said the tactics made him "very uncomfortable."

Booker wasn't alone.  Within days, about two dozen high profile Democrats distanced themselves from the Bain attacks.

Booker and the White House had previously talked about the highly favored mayor taking one of the top cabinet positions should there be a second Obama Administration.  But, as the New York Post reports this morning, the love affair is likely over.  A "ranking official" at the White House is quoted as saying Booker is "dead to us."  

Just days ago, the New York Times exposed Obama's secret "kill list" and personal involvement in fingering terrorists for elimination.  Apparently, the White House handles campaign dissent similarly.  

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Newark’s (New Jersey) mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.

Booker told a national TV audience the president’s attacks on Mitt Romney’s record at private-equity firm Bain Capital were “nauseating” and made him “very uncomfortable.”

“I have to just say from a very personal level, I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity,” said Booker, a rising Democratic star tapped by the president’s campaign as a “surrogate” speaker for Obama. “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses.”  Full article here