Tim Kaine: “Make America GRATE Again”

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The good news is Tim Kaine finally answered an age-old, world-class mystery - “How does anyone make Hillary likeable?” The answer? “Just watch Tim Kaine for a few minutes.”

After watching the Vice Presidential debate on Tuesday night, Kaine puts a new spin on “Make America GRATE again.” The man’s personality clearly grates on the nerves of every living human being. Kaine defines “grateness.”

I’ve watched political debates my entire life. I’ve been in quite a few myself- including a presidential debate in 2008…and a vice presidential debate after I won the Libertarian vice presidential nomination. I’ve never seen a more unlikeable, rude, and nasty jerk in my entire career. He wrote the book on Tuesday night on how not to conduct yourself during a vice presidential debate.

I can even tell you the title of his book, “The Art of the Heel.”

Kaine spent the entire night rudely and relentlessly interrupting and playing the part of a negative, insulting, know-it-all jerk. Kaine even interrupted a sentimental Pence 9-11 story. Are you kidding?

If these were TV characters…Pence was Mr. Rogers and Tim Kaine was "the Grinch who stole Christmas." Even liberal-biased media like CNN, the Washington Post and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews were strongly negative about Kaine’s performance. That’s like Jerry Jones being negative about the Dallas Cowboys.

But hey, the Democrat VP being rude, negative, mean-spirited and condescending should come as no surprise- on the same night that Obama’s Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told Americans to cut down on the amount of food they eat.

Really? Democrats want Americans to eat less food? Now that's a winning campaign issue!

These Democrats are a laugh a minute. Tim Kaine loves to rudely interrupt. His boss Hillary calls Trump supporters (mostly working class salt-of-the-earth American heroes) a “basket of deplorables.” The Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack thinks we all need to eat less food. And don’t forget all Democrats want us to fight “global warming” by going vegetarian, driving smaller cars, living in smaller houses, and paying much higher energy bills.

Cheery people, these Democrats. Was their campaign designed by Jack Kevorkian?

Start making plans for President Donald Trump.