The KKK Took My Building Away

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Recently, some University of North Carolina (UNC) students went to a Board of Trustees meeting armed with signs saying “Black Lives Matter” and “Kick Out the KKK.” Who knew that the KKK was still a presence on the UNC flagship campus in Chapel Hill? Of course, the answer is that no one knew. That is because they aren’t.

Since there are not any Klansmen at UNC, a group called the Real Silent Sam Coalition is focusing on a building, Saunders Hall, which was named after a former Klansman. Decades ago, UNC named its Department of History building after Saunders, not because he was in the KKK, but because he was known for compiling historical records of the colonial era.

To put things in perspective, the building was given its name about 15 years before Democrats stopped naming former Klansmen to the United States Supreme Court. This was long before Democrats decided that controlling Planned Parenthood was a far more efficient way of killing innocent black people than controlling the KKK. Why spend all your time in the woods when you can concentrate on setting up death camps in the inner cities?

Nonetheless, UNC student Omolulu Babatunde says the school needs to rename the hall otherwise it will find itself on the “wrong side of history.” Actually, UNC was making bad racial history less than a year ago.

Last semester, UNC was finally caught creating fake African American courses – designed predominately for black athletes – so the university could make millions off the athletic programs without actually providing the athletes with a real education. Some faulted the African American Studies program. But not Omolulu Babatunde. Here is what he told my friends over at Campus Reform:

“The way that the media corrupted what happened in this space was informed by the way that blackness is understood here. Society, which is reflected in the media, understands blackness in such a discredited way that it’s able to corrupt something that is much broader than one site.”

One must take a lot of African American Studies courses to become that intellectually incoherent. But here is the translation in plain English: When white people do bad things to black people it’s because of white racism. But when black people do bad things to black people it’s also because of white racism. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of phony classes by unqualified black professors to unqualified black student/athletes.

Omolulu Babatunde is not the only UNC liberal who is babbling indecipherably. Dylan Su-Chun Mott told reporters that renaming the history building is about “Facing the violent, racial history of UNC-Chapel Hill, of the State of North Carolina and of these United States.” To help lobby public support for their cause, the group recently read several anonymous racist comments, such as: “I really hate blacks. I’m going home where there aren’t any.”

We are supposed to believe that these comments were made by living racists, hiding somewhere in the UNC community. Of course, most racial incidents that occur on college campuses these days are contrived. Campus liberals need to create these incidents because they need problems to solve. The reason they need problems to solve is that they have a diversity bureaucracy to grow. Some may remember a time when the purpose of the university system was to serve the people. Now, the main purpose of the system is to preserve government jobs for campus liberals.

Unfortunately, many of these campus liberals are segregationists and outright racists. Two examples come to mind immediately:

1. The African American Studies program. These people - yes, I just said, “these people” – are the only segregationists left in the UNC system. They think blacks should have their own centers where they can spend time with other blacks and away from white students. They also think blacks should have their own degree programs. Next thing you know, they’ll be petitioning for a second Old Well. One for “whites” and one for “colored” Tar Heels.

2. The Women’s Studies program. Women teaching in these programs have a lot of causes. But no cause is as dear to them as preserving abortion on demand. The problem is that they don’t teach about the racist history of their political movement. They don’t show pictures of Margaret Sanger speaking at Klan rallies long after 1922, the year of the naming of Saunders Hall on the UNC campus. Nor do they teach the reality that more blacks die in abortion clinics every week than were lynched by the KKK in the entire history of “these United States.” Perhaps the women in the Carolina Women’s Center could join the building controversy and lobby to rename the history building “Sanger Hall.”

There is an obvious reason why UNC liberals keep chasing the ghosts of dead white racists. It detracts attention from an inconvenient truth: All the living racists are hooded academics teaching courses ending with the word “studies.”