Meet the Kronies: A Team of Politically Inspired Big Government Action Figures

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The Kronies are in action: Mandating, Tarrify-ing, Inflating, and Boondoggling their way to profits powered by their special connection to the G-Force.

One of the biggest lies in politics is the idea that big government is force to constrain big corporate power. It’s the big lie at the heart of well-intentioned liberal calls for more government intervention into the economy. It takes a certain amount of ignorance, willful or not, to maintain this big lie in the face of actual reality. Crony deals have always been the norm for government intervention from Obamacare, to “green” energy subsidies, to no-bid military boondoggles, union-machine politicking and Wall Street back room bailouts.

Now, there’s an insane new web series that shines a hilarious spotlight on the left’s big lie while putting up a mirror to crony hypocrisy on the right as well. Meet The Kronies! A team of politically inspired action figures: Kaptain Korn, Parts & Labor, Ariel Stryker, Bankor the Prophet and their leader Big G.

We don’t know who’s behind this thing, but there also appears to be a crony “company”, Chimera Global Holdings, which alleges to be the manufacturers of the toys. Check it out and share it with everyone you know who whines about the need for big government to keep corporations at bay.