FIRST-PERSON: Help your kids learn real, not invented, history

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ARLINGTON, Va. (BP) -- The Communists rewrite history all the time, with grand flourishes and straight faces. And, many American liberals do, too.

First it was California, which recently mandated public schools to inflate -- or incorporate, as they say -- the contributions of homosexuals to California and United States history. This indoctrination can begin as young as kindergarten, and according to Republican state lawmaker Tim Donnelly, essentially forbids the educational system to portray homosexuals "in anything other than a positive light."

In Los Angeles, the school board is pushing its schools to go even further by including direct efforts to "promote" homosexuality, and portraying it as a normal variant of family life ("family diversity," they say).

New York will follow suit, no doubt, as their new homosexual "marriage" law has generated a push by gay advocates for a similarly "inclusive" curriculum. It's nothing more than sexual indoctrination dressed up as history. Bringing the homosexual message into the curriculum aims, in the words of gay City Council member Daniel Dromm, to prevent society from "putting LGBT people in the closet."

In Massachusetts, however, it's real history that's being shoved into the closet.

A Somerville public school principal, for instance, has frowned upon the celebration of Columbus Day and Thanksgiving, calling them American "atrocities" parading under the guise of historical holidays. Her decision, motivated by a desire to spare students and school personnel the pain of feeling insulted by the celebrations, further distorts history at the expense of the ever-growing number of victim groups.

Parents rely on schools to teach history -- that is, American history, which recounts our founding principles and celebrates the heroes who fought, explored, and led our nation. But, in many schools, we may be fast approaching the day when children are more likely to receive sensitivity training on behalf of "sexual minorities" than a thorough grounding in authentic history.


Parents need to keep tabs on the history their children are learning in school now more than ever. Is it a politically correct fabrication, or a factual retelling of the people and events that made our country great?

Plenty of good resources are available to help.

First, check to see if your children -- especially middle schoolers and high schoolers -- ever have the opportunity to read original sources, like the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. If not, it's well worth downloading copies from the Internet and reading them along with your children. The website TeachingAmericanHistory.org makes it easy for parents and teachers, offering the foundational documents divided by historical period.

And, Hillsdale College recently launched a free video series called "Introduction to the Constitution" -- more than 100,000 folks have signed up to watch the short 45-minute lessons that are available on demand, and free of charge.

Read historical fiction and biographies to your children, highlighting the self-sacrificing commitment to freedom shown by America's greatest leaders and heroes.

Stay abreast of policy questions that affect the historical spin playing out in curricular and textbook decisions. CitizenLink Quick Guides (search for "quick guide" at CitizenLink.com) provide time-critical, topical guidance on parents' rights in education, religious freedom in the public schools, and more. The Heritage Foundation, too, assesses educational policy as part of its Leadership for America initiative.

And, finally remember that your educational choices extend far beyond one public school, or an agenda-driven principal. If, or when, the liberal indoctrination gets out of control, investigate charter schools, religious schools, private schools and homeschooling -- and, consider running for your local school board.

Rebecca Hagelin is a pro-family advocate, speaker and author. Her latest book is "30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family." Sign up for her e-newsletter at www.howtosaveyourfamily.com.

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