GOP doctors decry health law's 'very bad medicine'

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House Republican doctors donned their white coats Tuesday morning to blast the healthcare reform law as critics prepared to challenge its individual mandate in the Supreme Court.

Most of the Republican lawmakers' complaints focused on why the bill was bad policy, not why it was unconstitutional. In case the political ramifications of their comments were too subtle, a banner hanging over Republican National Committee's doorway read "Happy birthday, Obamacare! We didn't forget you."

"The 2010 healthcare takeover was an attempt to provide something good for the American people that unfortunately represents very bad medicine," said Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-N.Y.), an ophthalmologist. "Our motto … as doctors is 'First, do no harm.' The 2010 health law does grievous harm: It disrespects what has made American medicine the greatest in the world."