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The One Issue Dems Don't Really Want to Talk About

AP Photo/Richard Vogel

With pro-Hamas students chanting about their desire to destroy Israel and kill Jews, congressional Democrats are starting to get nervous. These rallies have been raging for days. In California, State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, in Arcata, had to shut down its campus. Their students seized a building, which is what the students at Columbia University, the mecca of pro-Hamas student advocacy, did this week. They took over Hamilton Hall, taking the custodial staff hostage for a time. 


With the mayhem continuing to spread and with no end in sight, Democrats are admitting they’re getting “heartburn” over the rallies, which are antisemitic in nature. Some have been trying to spin the rallies as being comprised of anti-war and anti-Netanyahu elements. That’s bunk. What’s telling is the conspicuous silence from Democrats about the campus insurrections, especially from Joe Biden. It reveals a nasty secret: Democrats need these antisemites and pro-Hamas rabble to vote for them in 2024 (via Axios): 

The protests are fueling a volatile political dynamic sparked by the Oct. 7 attack and the Israel-Hamas war just as the 2024 election comes into view. 

"The longer they continue, and the worse that they get, the worse it's going to be for the election overall," one House Democrat told Axios.

The demonstrations, the lawmaker warned, are "bringing out [the public's] most conservative side." 

Driving the news: In the last 24 hours, protests on college campuses from New York to California have escalated in severity. 

At Columbia University, demonstrators who were warned to scuttle their encampment or face suspension opted for a third option: storming and occupying a campus building and barricading the doors.

Videos also emerged on social media of students at UCLA being blocked by pro-Palestinian protesters from entering campus. 

Colleges in Utah, Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina and Florida have collectively seen hundreds of student protesters arrested in the last day.


"Many people are super frustrated and concerned," the lawmaker added.

Republican operatives are already cutting ads tying Democrats to the videos, Axios' Stef Kight reported. 

What they're saying: Rep. Annie Kuster (D-N.H.), chair of the center-left New Democrat Coalition acknowledged many Democrats "have been, kind of, holding back" on weighing in on the protests. 


Asked if the protests are giving Democrats political heartburn, a House Democrat told Axios, "How could it not, right?" 


The 2024 election has become soaked with déjà vu: it’s a rematch between Biden and Trump, and the leftist riots are back. the only difference is that these people are now rebelling not over a perceived incident of police brutality in Minneapolis but because they hate Jewish people. There is no denying that the Left owns these riots. These are their people calling for the destruction of Israel. It’s why they’re keeping their mouths shut for now.

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