
A Chat With Saul Anuzis' Family

It seems like God likes reminding reporters more than anyone else that He has a sense of humor.  I was browsing the halls here at the RNC General Session (in recess for lunch) and thought I'd get some attendees' opinions about the upcoming chairmanship election.

A group of ladies holding Anuzis banners seemed like a good bet, so I walked over, introduced myself, and asked why they were supporting Saul Anuzis for RNC chairman.

Turns out, they were his relatives. One, in fact, was his wife.

They were still incredibly gracious and answered my questions --  one that came up was about how Anuzis viewed the crucial 2012 presidential election and defeating Barack Obama. One lady weighed in with her perspective ,as an Anuzis supporter and family member, on where he's coming from.

"He is going to do everything in his power to make that happen -- and again, doing that from the perspective of the RNC chairman, not as the face of the party. He's not the one that's going to be out there talking about creating policy," said Gailute Anuzis-Dedinas although she was quick to point out that she couldn't begin to speak for Anuzis himself. "He's going to be working really hard to make sure that every state is as organized as it can be, regardless of size. He's going to make sure that there's plenty of money to go around."

A South Carolina delegate, during her second of the motion for Anuzis' nomination, talked about how he came to South Carolina after the Gov. Mark Sanford scandal and helped the state party strategize. The state ended up electing a GOP governor.